Roast Chicken with Baked Mashed Potatoes and Mushroom Gravy - Chrysl

Recipe by Chrysl Castelino


The Mangy Kitchen Roast Chicken with Baked Mashed Potatoes and Mushroom Gravy

1 kg whole chicken (preferably with skin)

For the marinade:
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
2 tbsp pepper powder
1 lemon - juice
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp ginger garlic paste
2 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp oil

  1. Clean and wash the the whole chicken and drain all the excess water and keep aside.
  2. In a bowl, mix the turmeric, pepper, lemon juice, salt, ginger garlic paste, soy sauce and oil to form a thick paste.
  3.  Apply the marinade onto the chicken and marinate for about 3-4 hours or overnight in the fridge.
  4. Preheat the oven to 200C for 15 minutes.
  5. Tie the legs and wings of the chicken together using twine. Place it on a baking tray and bake for about 45 minutes. However, after about 25 minutes, take the chicken out and baste it with a mixture of oil/butter and honey and continue to bake for 20 minutes.
  6. Take it out of the oven, cut and serve.
  7. ENJOY!


The Mangy Kitchen Roast Chicken with Baked Mashed Potatoes and Mushroom Gravy

3 large potatoes (boiled)
1/2 cup milk
50 gms butter
cheddar or mozzarella cheese (grated)
salt to taste
1/4 tsp pepper
1/4 tsp oregano or pizza seasoning (optional)

  1. In a large vessel, mash the boiled potatoes along with milk, butter, pepper and oregano. Use a hand blender or electric whisk for a lighter and fluffy consistency.
  2. Add salt to taste.
  3. Transfer the entire contents into a smaller baking tray.
  4. Add cheese on top
  5. Broil it in the oven for about 5-10 minutes till the cheese turns golden brown.
  6. ENJOY!


The Mangy Kitchen Roast Chicken with Baked Mashed Potatoes and Mushroom Gravy

1 packet mushrooms (sliced)
1 small onion (finely chopped)
4-5 cloves garlic (chopped)
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp pepper powder
2 tbsp butter
1 tsp oregano or pizza seasoning
1/2 litre chicken stock
2 tsp maida (dissolved in about 3-4 tbsp water)
50 ml fresh cream (optional)
salt to taste

  1. In a vessel, heat butter.
  2. Add the oregano or pizza seasoning, garlic and onions. Fry for about 2-3 minutes till the onions turn translucent.
  3. Add sliced mushrooms and fry till they start to welt.
  4. Add the chicken stock and pepper powder and boil for about 10 minutes.
  5. Slowly add the maida slurry while stirring constantly till the gravy thickens.
  6. Check for salt. Do not add excess salt if the chicken stalk already contains salt.
  7. Add fresh cream and stir.
  8. ENJOY!