Vermicelli Vorn (payasam/kheer) with Cashew nuts - Rosybai

Recipe by Rosy Rodrigues

1/4 cup raw rice (wash & soak for 3 hours at least)
6 cardamom  - only seeds (no husk)
1/4 packet rice vermicelli
15 cashew nuts
100 grams raisins
6 tbsp of coconut milk powder (or 1 cup of whole milk)
1/2 cup sugar or jaggery
1 1/2 tbsp ghee
pinch of salt

  1. Grind the raw rice with cardamom seeds. Once ground, add 2 cups of water and keep it aside.  
  2. Mix 6 tbsp of coconut milk powder in 1 cup of warm water and keep it aside.
  3. If you are using jaggery, boil it in water. Keep only the top part of the liquid aside and throw out the sediment from the bottom.
  4. In a medium vessel, heat ghee. Reduce the flame, add cashews and fry till it turns golden (about 30 seconds) and quickly take it out. Don't let it burn.
  5. Add raisins and stir. Quickly take it out when it soaks up in ghee (becomes round).
  6. Break the vermicelli and add it into the same ghee and fry on low flame for about 30 seconds. 
  7. Add the ground rice water to the vessel of vermicelli and keep stirring. 
  8. Add sugar or jaggery water n stir. The rice batter should cook properly for about 10 minutes on high flame but keep stirring continuously.  If it gets too thick, keep adding hot water.
  9. Add a pinch of salt.
  10. When almost cooked, add cashews, raisins and coconut milk and let it simmer while stirring. Bring to a boil and turn off the fire before it boils too much.
  11. Taste and add more sugar if needed.
  12. Pour in to a bowl and eat it hot or cold.
  13. ENJOY!