Kuswar Roce Cookies (Kokkisa) - Karen Pereira

Recipe by Karen Pereira

1 cup rice flour
1 egg
1 tbsp vanilla essence
a little food colour (optional)
sugar to taste
thin coconut milk or water

  1. Mix all the ingredients together with coconut milk. Important here is the consistency - it should be similar to dosa batter, not too thick nor too runny, so that it sticks to the mould. 

  2. In a deep wok, heat oil for deep frying. 
  3. Once the oil is hot, dip the cookie mould in the oil first for 5-10 seconds to avoid the batter from sticking to the mould. 
  4. Then, dip the cookie mould in the batter till it coats 3/4th of the mould, then immediately put it back in the hot oil to fry. Carefully tap it so the batter leaves the mould on its own.
  5. Fry till the cookies are light golden and flip. Transfer on to a kitchen towel to drain excess oil.
  6. ENJOY!
  • If the batter is too runny, add a tsp of flour at a time and mix well.